The Challenge

It has come to light through extensive study that lead ammunition unintentionally left in gut piles by hunters is a source of lead poisoning for scavengers and other wildlife, especially eagles.

The Opportunity

Hunters can reduce the occurrence of lead poisoning of wildlife by using lead-free ammunition. For this effort, we are offering Alaskan hunters a rebate of up to $80 off two boxes of copper rifle ammunition or up to $50 off two boxes of bullets for reloading.

Rebates are limited so act fast to get yours!

Who is Eligible?

Licensed hunters with a mailing address in Alaska are eligible.

Ammo Eligible for the Rebate Program

Many excellent lead-free rifle cartridges and bullets exist and qualify for the rebate. Find a list of qualifying ammunition here. Having a hard time finding ammunition? See our Find Copper Ammo page for more information. Ammunition can be purchased out of state or online, providing you have an Alaskan mailing address.

How do I get my rebate?

You can apply for your rebate here.
For any further questions about the program, please contact

Please expect to receive your rebate in 4-6 weeks. Thank you for your patience.

AK Copper Ammo Challenge is a unique partnership of hunting organizations in Alaska to reduce accidental lead poisoning in wildlife by supporting the voluntary use of copper rifle ammunition. We provide Alaskan hunters information and discounted copper ammunition so they can try it and decide for themselves. Who’s up to the challenge?